Sunday, April 27, 2014

Love and Truth in Sydney 3 May 8pm

Married?  Engaged?  Going out?  Love and Truth are different evenings organised to bring together couples to learn, share and grow through the challenges and joys of relationship and married life - over select cheeses and complimentary fine wines!

The next Love and Truth evening in Sydney will be Saturday 3 May starting from 8pm.  For more details, or to rsvp, please contact the co-ordinators at

Monday, April 7, 2014

Zacchaeus course starting in Sydney 30 April 2014

New in Sydney this year, the Emmanuel Community is launching the Zacchaeus Course starting on 30 April.

The Zacchaeus course is for any person seeking to live out the relationship to their work, the common good, property and the poor and underprivileged in a more fully integrated way.  Based on the social teaching of the Catholic Church, each week's presentation is followed by guided exercises on the theme of the presentation to be put into practice during the weeks that follow.  In this way, Zacchaeus does not remain a merely intellectual exercise, but rather an opportunity to grow and really change the world where we are.

While requiring a certain level of commitment, those following the course will only need to meet together once every fortnight.  Based at Homebush Public Library, the course will beginning on the 30 April at a one-off cost of $50.

For more details, please contact us via email on